Saturday 9 April 2016

Is everything really worth it? I find things really tough going at times, people assuming things about me, people that know bugger all about me,i used to enjoy twitter, well I still do,but im starting to think I use,it too much, or share views I shouldn't, but I shouldn't have too. Im sick to death of being judged for things. Trouble is if I delete my twitter account, thats it, iv seen 2 people in the last month, one was my Doctor. Twitter is all I have, im feeling awful because of things I shouldn't, but thats me, cant help it. I think im a good bloke, deep down, im sick of how iv become, but thats down to my mental health which is getting to me, only myself to blame really, just a shame iv become this way, id love it to be different & back to normal what ever normal is. Iv been watching the news alot lately, really pees me off the ruling elite seem to live by other laws us normal folk dont. The latest is our PM going about saying "we are all in it together" together my arse,together until it suits them to do things that protect what they hold dear more than most things their money. Sadly I can't change this so I try not to let it annoy me too much. My last Doctors appointment was a tough one, its crazy how I get myself because of having to have a blood test, thankfully only my Doc saw me, its just now, iv struggled to sleep because of what the results may come out with. Its really nice to be able to talk to people about this on twitter, some really good people on here, I still think whether they are just being nice for sake of being nice to me but that's my baggage not theirs so I can deal with that. Iv not wrote a blog in ages, should do more really, cus I enjoy writing I just don't want to be all doom & gloom on here cus theres only so much people can take, so blogs are a good way around this, that way I can use twitter for what I'm good at, trying to make folk laugh & be my crazy self, I may has well get some fun out of my misery, my good days I can do this, I learnt along time ago, humour is good for me when I can anyway.

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